Electric chain hoists 4.000 kg – 25.000 kg
In this range you’ll find electric chain hoists with a high lifting capacity. Two different models are available in this area: LIFTKET B13 and our POWER LIFTKET. We solely offer single fall or double fall designs even for these big capacities in order to ensure an economically big lifting speed, to avoid intensive chain wear on more than two chain falls, to keep an economic price especially on bigger lifting heights and to ensure a high grade of efficiency by avoiding chain diversion points.

Our LIFTKET B13 can be ordered for loads weighing between 4,000 and 12,500 kg. It can be ordered with single or double fall execution and the option of a suspension eye, a hook suspension or an electric trolley

Our POWER LIFTKET is available with single or double fall execution and the option of a suspension eye or an electric trolley for loads between 8,000 kg and 25,000 kg
Electric chain hoists do have great advantages even on these big capacities:
- A single point suspension is possible because the center of gravity is always underneath the supsension point. Different from wire rope hoists where the rope (load) has to move along a wide drum and a multipoint suspension is requested.
- Good for big lifting heights and mobile use at construction sites
- Very low and easy maintenance
- Very easy conversion from single to double fall and vice versa
- Very easy change to different lifting heights (impossible for rope hoists)
LIFTKET electric chain hoists in action